Oregon Scuba Club Facebook Posting Policy

#1 General
This is a fun group,doing fun things in deep water! The Oregon Scuba Club (OSC) Facebook page is used to post club activities, club dives, news,events and scuba related cool, funny or educational stuff.

#2 Dive Events
Only dive events posted by OSC Officers, are club sanctioned. All other dive events are considered private and falls outside the auspices of OSC.

#3 Be Kind and Courteous
Always show respect. NO foul language, threats, bullying, politics. NO degrading comments about race,religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity.

#4 No Promotions or Spam
NO commercial advertising. No self-promotion, spam & irrelevant links. Only paid-up OSC members may post scuba items for sale. Non-members might be allowed to post with the OK from a club official.

#5 Respect Everyone’s Privacy
No personal information about our members will be disclosed. Respect and maintain the privacy of members.DO NOT tag other people in pictures without their express permission.

#6 Non-compliance
If you break or ignore any of these simple rules, you can clearly not read and might be permanently removed from the group before you hurt yourself or someone elseā€¦

See, this is not so hard! Now, go ahead and enjoy reading, interacting, learning, teaching and posting on this cool page!

This policy in its entirety is subject to change without notice.